Mentions légales
SAS Start-up WORLD
Société à Actions Simplifiées au capital de 1000 €
N° 98052481300014 – RCS Versailles
Siège social : 8 Rue des Frères Caudron - 78140 Vélizy-Villacoublay
Directeur de publication : Geneviève CLARKSON
N° TVA : FR78980524813
Website hosting
The site "" is hosted by the company:
SAS with a capital of € 10,000,000
RCS Roubaix - Tourcoing 42476141900011
Headquarters: 2 rue Kellerman - 59100 Roubaix - France
This site is therefore subject to French law.
All elements of any kind (still images, animated images, databases, brands, illustrations, logos, drawings, models, layout, downloadable documents) contained on the site are protected as 'intellectual work by French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. These elements remain the exclusive property of, unless otherwise stated. As such, without the prior written permission of the Publisher, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, partial or full modification of any element making up the site, by any means whatsoever, is prohibited under penalty of legal proceedings. Hypertext links
The establishment of hypertext links to the website is subject to the prior written authorization of the Publisher. The authorization request is made by the contact form. The Publisher disclaims all responsibility for the content of third-party websites which may be linked to its website after authorization.
The brands and logos reproduced on the "" site are protected by their owner as a brand. Any reproduction, use of brands or logos, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written consent of their owner is prohibited by law.
Liability limits
Start up WORLD makes every effort to provide Internet users with an offer accessible 24 hours a day. However, Start-up WORLD does not guarantee Internet users the uninterrupted availability of the offer. As a user of the site, it is the Customer's responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect your own data and / or software from contamination by possible viruses circulating on the Internet. Consequently, the responsibility of Start-up WORLD cannot be engaged due to the use of the information provided and / or the tools made available on the site "". The responsibility for Start-up WORLD cannot be engaged for any inconvenience or damage inherent in the use of the Internet, a break in service, an external intrusion, or the presence of computer viruses.
Collection and use of personal data
Protection of personal data.
The company Start up WORLD considers that your contact details are confidential data and undertakes not to disclose them. You have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you (article 34 of the Data Protection Act n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978. You can exercise this right by contacting us via the contact form.
The personal information that can be collected on the website is mainly used by the publisher for the management of your requests. They are saved in the publisher's client file.
The data collected on the website are those that the user of the website indicates when: - he fills in the information requested in the contact form on the website (name, first name, phone, address email). Start up WORLD uses this data confidentially to process requests for quotes or requests for information made on the website by users. He creates a user account (last name, first name, phone, email address, professional position, description). For other services, this is the data necessary for the operation of the service.
-for the news service, this is the news that you posted.
- for the media library service, these are the documents you have sent. The information collected may possibly be communicated to third parties linked to the publisher by contract for the execution of sub-contracted tasks necessary for the management of a request made by a user of the website.
These data are not communicated to other third parties, subject to a request made by the judicial or administrative authorities empowered to make this request.
It is recalled that the platform has a right to be forgotten accessible for each user in my account by clicking on "DELETE MY ACCOUNT".
The data collected will not be kept for more than 2 years:
- from the end of the need for data for the operation of the platform services
A cookie is a file placed on the computer of the user of the website and which is managed by Start-up WORLD, which proceeded to the installation of this cookie. The purpose of cookies is to recognize the computer of a website user when they next visit the site
Start up WORLD uses these cookies to temporarily collect information about website visitors and their visits. The information collected can be the pages visited by a user, the time spent on the pages visited, the number of visits per day, etc.).
All information collected indirectly will only be used to monitor the volume, type and configuration of traffic using this site, to develop its design and layout and for other administrative and planning purposes and more generally to improve the service that the publisher offers to internet users via the website
Each user of the website accepts that cookies are installed on their computer. However, each user of the website can refuse cookies in the configuration settings of their internet browser.
If the user's browser is configured to refuse them, access to the service of the "" site may prove to be altered, or even unavailable.